Style Sudoku: Fall edition

Fall style sudoku: 16 pieces, 14 outfits — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

I can't believe the time has come to recap my fall style sudoku! The season went by too fast. Anyway, I love doing random remix challenges every once in a while to see how I can stretch my closet. For those of you that have been around a while, you probably remember my spring style sudoku. I decided once that one was wrapped up that I would do another round this fall, and I think it was even more successful this time around!

If you haven't heard of a style sudoku before, the idea is pretty simple: combine four tops, four bottoms, four pairs of shoes, and four accessories into a 4x4 grid as shown above so that each row, column, corner, and diagonal makes a complete outfit. (Yes, I know diagonals don't matter in real sudokus, but I figured I'd go the extra mile and show those outfits as well!) While you can pick whatever you want as accessories, I decided to limit myself to one jacket, one bag, one necklace, and one other accessory (in this case it was a hat, and in the spring it was a pair of earrings). Out of 16 pieces, you can make 14 outfits (or up to 17 if you really want—the middle rows can be split into "square" outfits, plus there's an outfit in the middle square, too). Each of the 14 outfits I wore are shown below, and if you click on a photo, you'll be directed to the original post.

Compared to the spring version, this one had considerably less color and pattern. I was pretty bold when putting together my spring style sudoku. This time around, I stuck to a palette of mostly black and burgundy and added accent colors of grey, ivory, and army green. I also only included one pattern versus three in my spring style sudoku. Everything in this style sudoku can basically go with anything else, so it's like a mini capsule wardrobe in that way (though I probably wouldn't wear the two windowpane items together, ha!).

All-in-all, I'm pretty happy with how it all turned out. Every outfit worked pretty well, though I'd have to say that the Back in black (first diagonal) outfit was probably my least favorite. I also wasn't a huge fan of my burgundy hat and pants together for the same reason as the all-black outfit: the burgundies didn't match so it looked kind of weird. I also probably should not have included two skirts solely for the fact that it cooled off pretty quick and I didn't want to wear tights, but luckily there were enough warm days that I got to wear all the outfits sans tights. I'm glad I included the pewter flats. I had been struggling a bit with how to style them, but now I know they go well with black, ivory, burgundy, and grey! No big surprise there. ;)

What do you think of the style sudoku remix challenge? If you make your own, I'd love to see it!





fall style sudoku capsule wardrobe