30-day remix chain: April 2014


I'm doing a remix challenge next month, but it's not the typical 30x30 challenge where you pick only 30 clothing items and remix them over 30 days. For this challenge, I'm actually not picking out any specific pieces! Instead, I'll be wearing whatever I feel like for 30 consecutive days--only I have to wear one of the items from the previous day and remix it on the new day. The outfits will link together like a chain!

I've been really excited about starting this challenge until recently. April is in FOUR days already?! I've got a few outfit ideas in my head, but I'm not planning anything...and I don't know if that's a bad idea. Figuring out what to wear on April 1st is stressing me out way more than it should. I really need to calm down and just go with the flow.


I think the hardest part of this challenge will be dealing with the weather. In spring, we can go from 70 degrees and sunny one day to 45 degrees and rain/snow showers the next day (yay for cold fronts). I'll have to be hyper aware of the forecast and pick items that can go from warm to cool weather with ease!

I won't be posting every day, but I'm planning on posting every other day unless I decide to break it up with some different content. Chris is already dreading having to take photos every day so I told him I won't need nearly as many photos if I won't be doing a full post on each one. It's all about compromise, right? ;)

Please feel free to join me if you want to do the challenge (and let me know if you do)! I just ask that you link back to my post(s), and I'll link to yours so our readers can check out every participant's remix chain!

P.S. This is completely off topic, but one of my favorite country folk bands, Nickel Creek, is releasing a new album on Tuesday after an eight year hiatus! NPR is streaming their new album, A Dotted Line, on First Listen now until Monday or Tuesday. (Note: The link won't work on Firefox for some reason.) Check them out if you are looking for new music! I'm in love with the album already, and I cannot wait to see them in concert soon. :)