First snow
If you look really closely, you can see the dusting of snow we got the morning these photos were taken. It’s funny to look back on these because the very next day, it snowed about 4-5 inches at our house! Even though this dusting was technically the first snow of the season, it wasn’t nearly as memorable as the snow dump we got the next day…haha! I guess it’s time to say goodbye to fall now. :(
By the time the real storm arrived, I was so happy at my past self, because I woke up early on the weekend and got my tires swapped on my car (winter tires make me feel so much better about driving in snow). I got it done just in time! Korri and I ran a bunch of errands while my tires were being done; we got new LED lights for the Christmas tree (which we will get this weekend, since the snow kind of kept us from getting it) and we shot outfit photos with downtown as the backdrop. It felt so cold with a fresh layer of icy slush on everything! I definitely needed a coat; a cozy flannel shirt and vest were not enough to keep warm.
P.S. Did you notice that I left my hair tie on my wrist (without me mentioning it)? I’m too much of a perfectionist when it comes to outfit photos, so I about lost my mind when I realized I left my hair tie on for the whole shoot. I’m curious to know if you would have noticed or if it’s just a thing only I can see because I’m so nit-picky!
Uniqlo vest / exact or similar from Amazon
Madewell shirt / exact style
Madewell jeans / old; similar
L.L.Bean boots / exact
Le Specs sunglasses / exact style
Fresh Sugar Lip Treatment in rosé / exact