Link Love, vol. 9
via Instagram
I mentioned in my recent life lately post that my boyfriend, Korri, injured his knee skiing a couple of weeks ago. He went in for an MRI last week and finally got the results: a completely torn ACL and a mostly torn MCL. Unfortunately, this means that he'll need surgery soon...and his recovery could take up to a year. It's definitely not the news we were hoping for. :( But, I'm hoping surgery is successful and that he sticks to his recovery plan so he can ditch the crutches and get back to living a "normal" life sooner rather than later.
That's pretty much the most exciting thing happening right now (if you can call that exciting, haha). We've had a somewhat difficult time shooting outfits due to his injury, his work schedule, and the weather (it's been 50 and rainy way too much so far this spring). Luckily, over the past few weeks, I have been reading and saving some fun links to share with you all. Hope you enjoy!
- I loved reading about how Nicole is just making it up as she goes (and nailing it pretty much every time, let's be honest). I related so hard to this post! Nicole, can I be you when I grow up?
- Alissa's Target photoshoot is most definitely #goals. (That lighting though!)
- Did you hear that Polyvore is no more? SSENSE acquired Polyvore and immediately shut down the site with no warning. I can't imagine what the users are feeling right now. It's a harsh reminder to not put all your eggs in one basket.
- Chelsea wrote all about how she makes money as a full-time blogger/influencer. I so appreciate how she goes into detail about sponsored post pricing and actual examples of pitch emails. It's a world I don't think is shared enough, and I love her transparency!
- Speaking of money, Jess shared her personal money map. Have you heard of them? I hadn't before, but now I'm totally intrigued and kind of want to make my own! (Though, I'll be honest, I'm a little terrified to figure out the exact breakdown of all of my expenses...) It'd be a good exercise as I try to set and reach some small financial goals.
- My quest to decrease the amount of waste we're producing at home isn't going as well as I had hoped. But, I recently ordered some kootsac reusable bulk and produce bags to take with me to the grocery store since I hate those plastic film bags (I can never get them open in a reasonable amount of time, plus they're wasteful). I got a set of silk bags and a set of nylon bags, both in white so ideally the cashier can tell what's in them. I'm also planning to order some unpaper towels and perhaps try some washable sponges (though I have a package of disposable sponges I should get through first). Baby steps!
- Nail polish (and 10-free!) brand Zoya is offering their Earth Day Exchange again this year. Send in your old polishes (any brand), and they will properly dispose of them. In exchange, you can purchase new polishes for 50% off! I can't even remember the last time I painted my nails, so I might just send in some polishes and not order new ones.
- Spring items on my mind: short black rubber rain boots by Alice + Whittles (responsibly made but they run narrow, so I'm not sure they'll work for my average-wide feet), these dusty clay bow sandals by Madewell (these caught my eye when I stopped in store last cute), these velvet sandals by Madewell (they also caught my eye, but can velvet work for spring/summer?), supima cotton undies by Everlane (has anyone tried these?), and Everlane's recently-released Japanese GoWeave Light V-Neck Dress (I'm still on the hunt for more work-appropriate dresses!).