Reading Lately #2

I recently finished three more books, so I’m back with another round of Reading Lately! You also may have noticed that my Kindle looks a little different than it did in my first Reading Lately post—Korri surprised me with a new Kindle for my birthday last month. My old one stopped connecting to our wifi, unfortunately, so I couldn’t download any new books. On a more annoying note, I still can’t figure out how to remove files/books from this Kindle (had the same problem with my last one)… I click on “remove from device” and nothing happens! Any tips/tricks?! I like to remove the books I’ve already read to stay organized.

Browse all of my Reading Lately posts!

For ease, and especially for my fellow Kindle readers, all of the links below go to Amazon. If you are able, please support your local bookstores right now and always (if you’re local to me, check out Rediscovered Books)! There are also a number of Black-owned bookstores that need support. Find one near you in this list of over 50 Black-owned bookstores arranged by state (all have online stores and a couple are online only).

Reading Lately: Spark Joy, Me and White Supremacy, Born a Crime — Cotton Cashmere Cat Hair

Recently Read: August—October 2020

Spark Joy by Marie Kondo

This is a companion to The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It was just as enjoyable and full of wisdom as the first book! Marie Kondo shares tips for purging and organizing/storing items in every single category in the KonMari method. I really like how she dove into specific topics, including paper and sentimental items, because those categories are the hardest for me! I have sooo much paper. I know I can probably get rid of all of it and be fine but there’s always that voice in the back of my head that tells me I need it for some reason.

Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad

This is an excellent book if you’re working on anti-racism yourself. The questions posed at the end of each “chapter”, which each focus on different (but interconnected) aspects of white supremacy, really got me to examine and unpack my biases. This will very likely be a re-read for me in the future!

Born a Crime by Trevor Noah

Wooow. This book, y’all. It feels silly to write “it was so good” but it really was… It’s basically full of short stories from his life, and learning about life in South Africa from the perspective of someone that was literally born a crime (half Black and half white) was eye-opening. I honestly had no idea the South African government was so corrupt. It was haunting and heartbreaking, hilarious yet uncomfortable at times. Highly recommend.


I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi

Read this book if you’re unhappy with your current financial situation and want to get things on track OR if you want to tweak some things so you can live your best life and aren’t sure where to start. Seriously! It’s full of practical and truly useful financial advice (with real suggestions and tips to live your Rich Life). I wish I had read this book ten years ago, and it’s one I’ll be gifting to at least one of my brothers (not sure that my college-age brothers would read it; it’s one of those topics where you have to be committed to learning about it, you know?). I’m currently in the investment chapters, which is a topic that’s more boring/dense to me and why I haven’t finished reading it yet, but I still highly recommend it!

Slashed: The Ultimate Social Media & Influencer Marketing Guide by Unsah Malik

If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about the world of social media marketing, this is your guide. I talked about this e-book in my most recent Link Love post. It’s written by Unsah Malik, an expert in the field (she’s been doing it for over 10 years!). I started following her Instagram, which is full of useful nuggets of information, and immediately purchased this guide when it was released. It’s currently available for 55 British pounds (approximately $70 USD) and could very well be a college textbook on the topic. I have absolutely no background in marketing whatsoever, so this is like a crash course for me. If you’re interested in purchasing, here’s my referral link!


I’ve added a few books since my last Reading Lately post, oops. I have a feeling this list will keep getting longer before it gets shorter!