5 Smaller Brands to Shop (Instead of Nordstrom) styleKimi, Cotton Cashmere Cat HairAugust 15, 2018shopping, style tipComment
How to Overhaul Your Wardrobe for Grad School grad schoolKimi, Cotton Cashmere Cat HairAugust 3, 2018grad student styleComment
4-piece summer work uniform outfitsKimi, Cotton Cashmere Cat HairJuly 25, 2018summer, workwearComment
Staycation with Stay Alfred at The Fowler outfits, IdahoKimi, Cotton Cashmere Cat HairJuly 20, 2018summer, Boise, Treasure Valley, collaborationComment
Midwest U.S. Road Trip: 10-day Itinerary + Packing List travel, styleKimi, Cotton Cashmere Cat HairJuly 13, 2018packing, road trip, midwest, national parksComment
Small Town South Dakota outfits, lifeKimi, Cotton Cashmere Cat HairJuly 11, 2018summer, travel, midwestComment
How to Spend One Day Driving Through Grand Teton and Yellowstone travelKimi, Cotton Cashmere Cat HairJuly 9, 2018road trip, Wyoming, west coast, national parksComment